Baby Whisperer Lactation Consultants

Helping you meet your breastfeeding goals



Working with a Lactation Consultant

Congratulations on your new baby!  Breastfeeding is often an important part of a new mom’s experience, providing many physical and emotional benefits for both you and baby. As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC), I am here to be your breastfeeding guide.  I can help you fix little problems early on, set attainable goals, and gain confidence and peace of mind so you may enjoy this special time with your baby. From assessing common nursing problems, such as painful latch or low milk supply, to assessing oral structures and function that may help identify deeper causes of your breastfeeding challenges.  If your little one is having difficulties with bottle feeding, I have skills to help with that, too.  However you are feeding your baby, when things aren’t going the way you expected I’m here for you to provide gentle, compassionate feeding support.

Feeding Consultations

Breastfeeding is a learned skill and I’m here to help you and baby (or babies) through gentle support and knowledgeable encouragement. We can start with a prenatal consult to help you maximize your breastfeeding success, or we can meet any time after you’ve welcomed your little one. Choose the venue that fits your needs best – in-home, virtual, or phone .

business location icon


By sharing office space with a chiropractic clinic in Chanhassen, Minnesota, and a dentist office in Plymouth, Minnesota, I’m able to offer in-office consults to new parents.


In-home consults are available to parents and babies in the Prior Lake, Minnesota (approximately 20 miles southwest of Minneapolis) area and within a one-hour radius. 


Virtual consults are available via HIPAA-compliant Google Meet and are a great option for parents who are either outside of my in-home consult area or would be more comfortable with a virtual meeting.


If you have a few questions and aren’t sure a full consult is something you’d need or simply have a few questions after your consult, a phone call may be the best option. 

Client Testimonials

“Anne is the best IBCLC around. Both my babies had tongue ties (diagnosed by Anna and referred to a pediatric dentist). She helped us get through the procedure and the challenges that came with it. I could not have done it without Anne. Breastfeeding is not easy. You need support.”  – Alyssa

“Anne went above and beyond for my daughter & me. My daughter was tongue-tied and lip-tied. It was a long road to get to pain-free nursing, but I am proud to say I am still nursing my little girl at 13.5 months! I never would have made it here had it not been for Anne’s help. The knowledge, resources, & support got me through so many challenges! I will forever be appreciative!” – Sarah

“My milk didn’t come in for 7 days, my daughter wouldn’t latch, nothing about the process felt comfortable, & I was left feeling like I was failing as a (first-time) mom! Then I was introduced to Anne! It was like I had been introduced to an angel! She listened to my story through many tears, comforted me, and set up a meeting. She was there ONCE and completely changed the breastfeeding game for us! Anne’s help provided me with the confidence I needed to successfully breastfeed my child. I am forever grateful for that!” – Tara

Anne Cassens, MS, RNC, IBCLC

As an RN for over 35 years and a lactation consultant since 2009, my passion has always been helping parents and babies get off to the best start on their breastfeeding journey. In 2016, I opened Baby Whisperer Lactation Consultants to offer one-on-one personalized lactation consultations in the Minneapolis area.

Contact Me

Text Me

Texting is my preferred method of communication, so feel free to text me with any questions about potentially booking a consult at (612) 750-5535

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